A new trend is starting to pick up traction where schooling is concerned, and that is the home-schooling movement that has caught on around the country, as well as in other countries. Where it used to be that parents were frowned upon for pulling their child out of school and home-schooling them instead, today it is becoming much more mainstream.
So why has home-schooling suddenly become more popular? Why does there seem to be more parents going down this route? Well, there are a number of reasons that families are at least considering the option of home-schooling. Here’s a look at some of the top reasons.
You Are Moving Around a Lot
Some families just aren’t able to stay in one place for long periods of time. It could be that one or both parents are part of the military and are transferred on a regular basis, a parent may do a lot of traveling for work, or perhaps the traveling has more to do with the child.
For parents who have children that are trying to make it in the entertainment business, it can be extremely hard to work around the regular hours of the school day. Home-schooling can offer these families a great alternative that still allows the child to thrive and excel in school while being compatible with their busy schedule.
Take a look at all the talent competitions, reality programming, and roles for children in the industry and it becomes clear that it’s a busy and demanding schedule. This is all the more obvious in the new show from actor and producer Michael Palance. Titled “My Hollywood”, Michael David Palance attempts to introduce people to the world of kids in show business. It’s clear that their schedule is far from “normal”.
One-on-One Environment
With class sizes sometimes topping out at 30+ kids, it’s hard to grasp how any kid can thrive and get enough attention. For those that are suffering from learning disabilities, or are at a high level of achievement, these large classes are often stifling. With homeschooling, kids will be able to learn in aone-on-one environment, getting the full attention they need.
Remove Bullying and Peer Pressure
A big thing happening in schools today is bullying and peer pressure. Perhaps your child has been a victim of this in the past, or maybe they are lucky enough to have not experienced it. Home-schooling ensures they are in a safe and healthy environment void of any bullying and peer pressure. What this means is that your child can have a higher sense of confidence too.
Teach Your Child the Values and Life Lessons You Feel are Important
While most parents follow some sort of class plan or itinerary when home-schooling, they also have the opportunity to teach their kids the values and life lessons they feel are important. These may not be taught in a traditional school environment.
You Are in Full Control
Of course, when it comes to the biggest reason to consider home-schooling, most parents would say they appreciate the fact it gives them total control over what their child is learning, how they learn it, and the pace they learn it at.