Everyone knows PSLE maths is tough.
But with the right preparation leading to the exams, any student can tackle it with confidence.
In KooBits, we make learning, preparing and acing PSLE maths much easier. In fact, 1 in 2 Primary school students in Singapore use KooBits to practice math before exams.
Here’s how you can use KooBits to prepare your child for PSLE:
1. Learn to solve difficult problems using step-by-step videos
KooBits has over 1,000 animated explanation videos.
These are concise, easy to understand and effective in helping students to learn visually. The videos aren’t meant to spoon-feed answers too. Students will learn to derive their own solutions using our videos as a guide.
So if the next Helen-Ivan Coin question appears in PSLE maths again, your child will be able to adapt and solve it.
See how we explain a similar concept with a video:
To watch more videos like this, click on the button below and sign up for a trial:
2. Prepare for exams by practicing top school exam questions in KooQuiz
KooQuiz is our library of top school exam questions.
It has enough questions to fill 30 assessment books. But unlike assessment books, KooQuiz marks the answers automatically so your child gets instant feedback and answers.
There is also a handy timer for each paper, which is a great way to let your child pace themselves.

If you want to try these worksheets for free, click on the button below and sign up for a trial:
3. Access P1 to P6 content at any time
In KooBits, your child is not confined to only the content at his or her level.
You can drop a level to revise the basics. Or jump a grade and challenge advanced learners. KooBits is flexible enough to cater to students with varying abilities.
More importantly, you won’t have to find past assessment books before PSLE just to revise older topics.
4. Hone critical thinking skills with heuristics questions
Heuristic questions develop students’ critical thinking and problem solving skills.
These questions are generally tougher to solve, but will be well worth the effort. After all, some of them are more challenging than those you see in a PSLE math paper.
In KooBits, you can choose any of the following heuristic skills for your child to practice:

Track Your Child’s Progress
Preparation for PSLE maths starts months before the exams.
KooBits gives you 2 powerful tools to make sure your child is on track to ace the maths paper!
5. Proficiency Report
This report analyses data from all activities in KooBits.
Since features in KooBits work together to give your child a holistic learning experience, the Proficiency Report helps you track their overall progress.
6. High Score Report
With this report, you’ll be able to see exactly which skill your child needs to work under each topic.
It gives you a deep level of analysis that you seldom get from teachers or other eLearning platforms.
These tracking tools are easily accessible in KooBits too.
They allow you to see at one glance which topics your child should spend more time revising before PSLE.

Prepare For PSLE Maths With A Free 7-Day Trial
Let your child try KooBits for a week!
Watch the videos, complete our worksheets, or even play our math games. It’s free and you can cancel any time before the trial ends. To get started, click on the button below:
Don’t take our word for it, see what parents have to say:
Tags: Lower Primary (7-10), mathematics, Upper Primary (10-12)