3 Strategies For A Productive HBL Experience
Full home-based learning (HBL) in Singapore returns for Primary 1 to Primary 5 students from 27 September 2021.
This can be a stressful period for parents, especially with the year-end exams coming up soon. Here are some strategies to make HBL a productive experience for your child.
1. Help Your Child Learn Independently Through Videos
Parents often get frustrated over HBL because they don’t have time to monitor their children’s work. Not to mention, they may find it difficult to coach their children effectively, while ensuring their methods are aligned to the school syllabus.
One way to make this easier is to teach your child using videos. In KooBits, our math e-learning platform, we have hundreds of video explanations to take the stress of teaching away from parents.
If a child is unsure of the solution, learning from a video is only a click away. It’s so easy that kids can do it themselves!
These videos contain colourful visuals and animated explanations. They are also designed to help children understand complex problems by breaking down and simplifying them in a structured way.
Many parents rely on our videos to teach, saving them time during home-based learning and allowing them to indulge in a little “me-time”!

2. Develop Healthy Learning Habits In Your Child During HBL
Learning at home can be distracting for children. That’s why having a routine is so important. It gets a child to focus on learning, especially when they lack a structured classroom environment.
In KooBits, we make this a reality using a feature called Daily Challenge.
It’s a set of 10 questions designed to build momentum and build a daily learning habit. In fact, many students log into KooBits every day just to complete their Daily Challenge. Why do kids love the Daily Challenge so much?

It’s because they receive instant feedback as questions are automatically marked. If they get the answer right, we cheer them on with celebratory music. If it’s incorrect, they get to try again, or uncover the solution by watching an animated video.
Instant feedback ensures that there are no dull moments in KooBits! And it encourages a child to practise consistently as they earn points for logging in daily and completing the challenge.
For parents, the Daily Challenge relieves the stress of constantly monitoring and nagging their children during HBL.
3. Track Your Child’s Progress Easily
Not all practice is equal. You can spend the entire HBL period working through assessment books and papers. But you may never know if your child’s practice is effective. Here’s where Koobits can help you tell whether your child’s practice time is well-spent.
KooBits has analytical tools which reveal the specific topics your child should focus on. It provides 2 types of reports:
The High Score Report analyses data from your child’s daily practice and is updated in real-time. This is best used to measure the progress and effort your child has put in during the term.
The Proficiency Report analyses data from all of our features: Daily Challenges, Mission, Homework Assignment. This is best used to assess your child’s mastery of each topic.
It’s easy to monitor your child’s day-to-day work with the High Score Report, while the Proficiency Report is more useful for analysing your child’s improvement in each skill over the longer term.
Using this valuable data, you can revise with your child more effectively by addressing their weaknesses with targeted practice:

Don’t take our word for it, see what parents have to say:
Already have Koobits? Find out how you can upgrade to premium and use these features to make your child’s math revision more effective during HBL:
KooQuiz: A compilation of top school exam questions. Use this to revise and prepare for the exams!
KooClass: Learn how to use math to solve real world problems. This feature helps to broaden your child’s general knowledge, and nurture their critical thinking skills.
HOTS: Challenge advanced learners with tougher questions.
Tags: Lower Primary (7-10), mathematics, Upper Primary (10-12)