Did you know teaching maths at home could do more harm than good?
This could be why some students fall behind in primary school, even though their well-meaning parents spend hours teaching them at home.
We often hear kids saying, “But school doesn’t teach like that…”
Or frustrated parents complaining to us, “I don’t know why my child doesn’t understand what I say…”
You see, parents who teach at home often approach a topic differently from schools.
A simple example would be counting to 10. Some parents assume it’s all about reciting the numbers 1 through 10.
But it’s a different story in schools.
“Counting to 10” is more about assigning each number to a pile of objects, and it’s a skill that goes beyond recalling numbers in sequence.
In other words…
What you teach at home might not be what the school requires!
It doesn’t matter whether your child is in lower primary or upper primary too.
Regardless of the topic, you could be using words your child doesn’t understand, using methods that are too complex, or worse, teaching the wrong concept in the first place.
That’s why many parents refer to the official MOE syllabus as a teaching guide.
But unless you have all the time in the world, it’s going to be tough reading through the thick 30+ pages worth of content.
Smart and savvy parents look for alternatives like KooBits instead.
This simple tweak can change the way you teach maths at home, so even if you’re busy with a full-time job, you still can be the proud parent who gives the best for their child.
There are many reasons why parents choose KooBits, and one of them is because the content is 100% aligned to MOE.
Another reason parents love KooBits is because of the animated tutorials. These allow them to teach their child in a fun and engaging way, without adding more confusion to the process.
Using the same “counting to 10” skill as an example, here’s what your child can watch:
Kids LOVE animations like these.
The friendly voice, colourful visuals and animations help to make concepts stick longer in their brains.
There are 1000s of such animated tutorials inside KooBits, each centred on a single skill and lasting no more than 10 minutes.
So instead of spending 45 minutes painstakingly teaching a topic, you can rely on these animated tutorials to help your child to understand topics 4X faster.
The best part?
You don’t need to say a word or conjure up creative ways to teach your child. These animated tutorials take the stress of teaching away from you.
Try KooBits FREE for 7 days and see for yourself. Once you’re inside, select any P1 to P6 skill, play the animated tutorial and watch in amazement as the concept finally “clicks’ for your child:
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Tags: Lower Primary (7-10), mathematics, Upper Primary (10-12)